16th Biennial International Pharmaco-EEG Group (IPEG) Congress
7. – 10. October 2010, Prague, Czech Republic
Symposia proposals
Symposia proposals should be sent as a MS Word document by email to: martin.horna@mhconsulting.cz
Symposia proposals must include the title of symposium, chairman and co-chairman names.
A short annotation (max 5 lines in standard MS Word document) of the whole symposium must be included.
The symposium must consist of 3-4 presentations.
Presentations should report original data.
Symposia of international attendance will be preferred.
Scientific committee will decide on the acceptance of the symposia.
Submitters will be informed about the acceptance before the 20th August 2010. Authors of accepted symposia must then submit their abstracts via the standard electronic form after announcement of acceptance, before the 20th August.
Information for Speakers
Oral presentations are limited to a total of 20 minutes, keynote speakers will have 30 minutes. This time also includes a short discussion no the presented paper. Speakers are requested to respect the schedule, present themselves to their session chairman 15 minutes before the beginning of the session and to keep the time of their presentation.
The lecture hall will be equipped with data projectors connected to local computer operating under Windows. MS PowerPoint presentations are required, CD reader, USB port and laser pointers are available.
How to save your presentation
• Please submit your presentation in one of the following media: CD-ROM (CD-R/RW), DVD-ROM (DVD±R/RW), USB flash disc
• Save all files associated with your presentation (PowerPoint file, movie / video files, etc.) to one folder / location.
• In case you are presenting more than one presentation during the congress, save different presentations to different folders and name them clearly to avoid on-site misunderstandings and problems.
• Always make a backup copy of your presentation and save it on a different portable disc or medium than the original presentation.
PowerPoint Instructions
• Please use only Microsoft office PowerPoint 97-2007 format (*.ppt, *.pptx) for your presentations. Otherwise we cannot guarantee that they will open successfully on an on-site PC.
• Please come to the Speakers´ Ready Room several hours before your presentation. We recommend you to save your PowerPoint presentation using PPT format instead of PPS.
• Please note that we cannot guarantee the quality of MacIntosh-based presentations, please check in advance their Windows compatibility.
• JPG images are the preferred file format for inserted images. GIF, TIF or BMP formats will be accepted as well.
• Images inserted into PowerPoint are embedded into the presentations. Images that are created at a dpi setting higher than 200 dpi are not necessary and will only increase the file size of your presentation. Try to avoid overloading your presentation with unnecessary images.
• In case you have any videos in your presentation - please test your presentation with the on-site PC several hours before your presentation.
• Only fonts that are included in the basic installation of MS-Windows will be available (English version of Windows). Use of other fonts not included in Windows can cause the wrong layout / style of your presentation.
• Suggested fonts: Arial, Times New Roman, Tahoma
• If you insist on using different fonts, these must be embedded into your presentation by choosing the right option when saving your presentation, see details below:
- Click on "File", then "Save As"
- Check the "Tools" menu and select "Embed True Type Fonts"
How to submit your presentation
• Please come to the Speakers´ Ready Corner at least 30 minutes before the beginning of your session to upload your presentation. In case your speech has been scheduled for a morning session please come to the Speakers´ Ready Corner one 1 hour before beginning of your session.
Abstracts Submission Rules
• A submitting author of an abstract will become a first and presenting author.
• A submitting author of an abstract must register prior to submitting the abstract (please use online-registration form).
• Presenting authors of accepted abstracts have to pay the registration fee in advance before the Congress. If an author does not pay the registration by the deadline, his presentation will be cancelled and substituted.
Abstracts Submission Instructions
• Only on-line submitted abstracts will be accepted; emailed, airmailed or faxed abstracts will not be accepted!
• Abstracts must be in English
• Submitted abstracts must be original. Abstracts previously published or presented at an international scientific meeting cannot be submitted.
• Fill in the submitting author's name(s) and e-mail address of the corresponding author properly - these contact details will serve for further correspondence with the author(s)
• Indicate the appropriate topic.
• Indicate whether you prefer your abstract to be presented as an oral or poster presentation. Abstracts will be reviewed by scientific committee. Authors of abstracts that will be accepted for oral presentation will be notified by email by the 30th of August 2010.
Instructions - Abstract Layout • Fill in all required fields in the on-line form (labeled with asterisk)
• The abstract length should not exceed 300 words
• You can copy and paste the body of the abstract into the form
• Type the body of the abstract using structured subheadings as follows:
• Subheadings should be in bold and the paragraph should continue directly after the subheading (e.g. "Methods: We used the following ...")
• Check spelling and grammar carefully - direct reproduction from your electronically sent abstract text means that any errors in spelling, grammar or scientific data will be reproduced as submitted
• Standard abbreviations may be used
Abstract Receipt Notifications
Authors will be notified about the delivery of their abstract by e-mail immediately after finalization of on-line submission. In case that you do not receive confirmation, please contact: martin.horna@mhconsulting.cz .
Important Dates - Deadlines
Abstracts submission deadline: 20/8/2010
Abstract Committee acceptance/rejection decision: 25/8/2010
Registration fee payment deadline for inclusion of the abstract in the Program
and in the Proceedings: 24/8/2010
Instructions for Poster Presentations
Poster Boards
The dimensions of the poster boards are as follows:
• Size of the construction: 200 cm (height) x 103 cm (width)
• Size of the panel (i.e. the maximum size of the poster): 180 cm (height) x 97cm (width)
• The panel is covered from both sides by a grey carpet.
To ensure good legibility of the poster, we recommend a maximum size
of 95 cm (37.40 inches) in width and 100 cm (39.40 inches) in length.
• Fixing material (pins) will be available in the Posters Area.
• The poster boards will be numbered by the organizers.
The number of your poster can be found in the final programme.
Poster Area
Posters will be on display in the Poster Area, which is located in the Conference Centre II of the Andel´s Hotel Prague.
Guided and Unguided Poster Sessions
• Guided poster sessions: Authors of posters are asked to present their posters during a guided poster session.
• Unguided poster sessions: Authors are expected to stand near their posters throughout the poster sessions.
Mounting and Removal of Posters
Posters should be mounted at 9:00 on Friday the 8th of October and removed on Saturday at 16:00 at the latest. Posters that are not dismounted by this time will be removed by staff and discarded. The organizer cannot be responsible for loss or damage to posters not removed by this time.
In case of any difficulties, please contact the Congress Abstracts Handling Office at martin.horna@mhconsulting.cz