Annual meeting of ANSS
1 - 3 May 2015, Prague, Czech Republic, Lindner Hotel Prague Castle
Friday 1nd of May
19.30 Come together for all participants, Lindner Hotel Prague Castle.
Welcome – Philippe Peigneux, ESRS president, Liborio Parrino, Chair ANSS EC, and local organizers.
Saturday 2rd of May
07.00 Breakfast
08.15 Welcome – Liborio Parrino
08.30 Presentation of the National Sleep Societies in the ANSS Industry can attend.
Chair: Liborio Parrino and Erna Sif Arnardottir
Recent developments in the National Sleep Societies (NSS Presidents)
10.30 Coffee break
11.00 Education and textbooks across Europe Industry can attend.
Chair: Johan Verbraecken and Marta Goncalves
Somnologist exam – current status. - Thomas Penzel
The Spanish exam, Joachim Teran Santos
The ESRS sleep medicine text book – Philippe Peigneux
Other textbooks being used throughout the different NSS, need for translations of text book etc, Johan Verbraecken
12:00 How to implement the new EU regulation of driving rules
Chair: Walter McNicholas, Johan Verbraecken
Challenges, how to implement – Wolfgang Mallin (10 min)
Discussion – all (15 min)
Summary – Johan Verbraecken (5 min )
12.30 Lunch at the Restaurant
13.30 ESRS activities No industry
Chair: Philippe Peigneux and Walter McNicholas
Developments and collaborative projects between ANSS and ESRS, problems that ANSS need to be aware of – Philippe Peigneux
Joint membership possibilities between ANSS and ESRS – Lino Nobili
Planning the future ESRS congresses:
Istanbul Congress - Lino Nobili, Bologna – Roberto Amici
14:15 Development of sleep medicine and the accreditation of sleep centres
No industry
Chair: Walter McNicholas and Liborio Parrino
Development of sleep medicine - Dirk Pevernagie
Accreditation of sleep centres - Thomas Penzel
15.00 Coffee break
15.30 Issues of interest. Industry can attend.
Chair: Liborio Parrino and Lino Nobili
The ESRS Early Career Research Network, a successful ESRS-ANSS development. - Erna Sif Arnardottir
Viewpoint of different specialties – what is happening in the different fields, problems that can be solved in a European manner - Liborio Parrino
17.00 ANSS business No industry and no ESRS Board member
Chairs: Michaela D Gjerstad and Marta Goncalves
ANSS budget review. - Michaela D Gjerstad
Comparison of the ANSS countries - Erna Sif Arnardottir
Presentations by countries wishing to host next year’s meeting
17.30 Break
18:30 Meeting in the hotel lobby for a sightseeing tour and dinner
20:00 - 23:00 Gala Dinner in Restaurant Mlynec - nice restaurant next to the Charles Bridge
Sunday 3st of May
08.00 Breakfast
09.00 Meeting the sponsors:
Chair: Liborio Parrino and Pierre-Herve Luppi
Presentation of ongoing research. Talk about new developments, potential for collaborations - Respironics 10 minute presentation
- Takeda (?) 10 minute presentation
Discussion: What kind of research do we need?
09:30 Uniform European guidelines for diagnosis and treatment of sleep disorders Industry can attend
Chair: Michaela D. Gjerstad, Thomas Penzel
Final draft of OSA diagnosis survey, Erna Sif Arnardottir
The effect of different scoring criteria in the Lausanne cohort, Raphael Heinzer
Final draft of the Health economics in sleep disorders paper, Michaela D. Gjerstad
Discussion of future projects
10.30 Coffee Break
11.00 EU and public relations
Chair: Marta Goncalves and Roberto Amici
EU developments and new actions between ESRS and ANSS, Roberto Amici
New awareness campaign, Marta Goncalves
Insomnia survey, Michaela D. Gjerstad.
Other suggestions from NSS boards prior to meeting
Concluding remarks, Philippe Peigneux and Liborio Parrino
12.30 Lunch and farewell