EPISTOP General Assembly Meeting

17 – 18 November 2016, Prague, Czech Republic, Hotel Pyramida

Registration fees:

Attendees will have to cover accommodation, their own travel expenses, and meals not included in the program and any personal expenses. The rest is sponsored by society.
Costs of accompanying persons must paid separately.


Please book your room directly at the hotel Payramida by phone +420 233 102 273 or by email to rezervace@hotelpyramida.cz. Please report the “password EPISTOP” to obtain better conference prices:

Deluxe double room single use: € 97,- /night inc. breakfast and 15% VAT 


Catering for accompanying person:

17. 11. 2016 - Catering during the day (2 x Coffee Break and Lunch inc. 1 x soft drink) - € 40,-

17. 11. 2016 - Gala Dinner in restaurant Ambiente - € 80,-

The above rates include 21 % VAT