16 - 19 May 2018 , Hotel Galant, Mikulov, Czech Republic
Final program at a glance here:
(click on the icon)
Virtual slides
For login use name and psw: PCP_M
(click on the picture)
As the storage capacity of the server is obviously limited, we are not able to keep the cases there permanently. Thus, use the chance to look at the cases till June 23, 2018. After this date, the cases will be permanently removed.
Best Pannonian Diagnostician contest
To motivate you to study the slides on-line, we decided to announce a contest for the "Best Pannonian Diagnostician".
The rules are very simple. Go on-line and visit cases of individual slide seminars. Fill in your diagnoses into the online form here:
For Head & Neck Pathology and Soft Tissue Pathology please use this link: 1. Link
For Uropathology and Residents‘ Slide Seminar please use this link: 2. Link
The deadline is Tuesday, May 15, 8:00 PM. Later submissions will be ignored.
The participant with highest number of correct diagnoses will be awarded a special prize.
We wish you good luck!
Aleš Ryška
Chair of the Local Organizing Committee