16 - 19 May 2018, Mikulov, Czech Republic
Final program at a glance here:
(click on the icon)
Virtual slides
For login use name and psw: PCP_M
(click on the picture)
Best Pannonian Diagnostician contest
To motivate you to study the slides on-line, we decided to announce a contest for the "Best Pannonian Diagnostician".
The rules are very simple. Go on-line and visit cases of individual slide seminars. Fill in your diagnoses into the online form here:
For Head & Neck Pathology and Soft Tissue Pathology please use this link: 1. Link
For Uropathology and Residents‘ Slide Seminar please use this link: 2. Link
The deadline is Tuesday, May 15, 8:00 PM. Later submissions will be ignored.
The participant with highest number of correct diagnoses will be awarded a special prize.
We wish you good luck!
Aleš Ryška
Chair of the Local Organizing Committee