19th ESO Stroke Summer School 2015
24 - 28 August 2015, Hradec Králové, Czech Republic
Recorded lectures are available here
The ESO summer school is organized each year by a team of stroke physicians in a European city, and is supported and endorsed by ESO.
During one week, stroke specialists from Europe provide their expert knowledge to young physicians with a major interest in cerebrovascular diseases.
How to Apply
There is a competitive application for this program and places are limited to 2 delegates per country and no more than one delegate per European stroke unit. If additional places remain, applicants from non-European stroke units will be considered.
Please note that our summer school is available to candidates up to and including the age of 45.
The application process requires submission of the following items to this email address: martin.horna@mhconsulting.cz by 5pm (GMT) 31st May 2015 (Please mark the Subject as: Application for ESO Summer School)
- Letter of motivation (one page A4)
- Letter of support from a senior colleague (one page A4)
- Curriculum Vitae
Once the application period is over, the local organising committe selects the participants on the basis of:
- Application (letter of motivation, CV, letter of support)
- Current affiliation with a European stroke unit
- Maximum two participants per country, one per stroke unit.
If there are available places, applicants from non-European countries will be considered.
The decisions of the local organising committee are final.