16th Biennial International Pharmaco-EEG Group (IPEG) Congress
7. – 10. October 2010, Prague, Czech Republic
1 USD ≈ 19 CZK; 1 EUR ≈ 25 CZK; 1 GBP ≈ 28 CZK; 1 CHF ≈ 17 CZK
Training courses - 3.900,- CZK up to 29th June 2010, from 30th to deadline 6.500,- CZK
Symposium - 5.200,- CZK up to 29th June 2010, from 30th to deadline 7.800,- CZK
Gala dinner (9th October) - 1.800,- CZK
Training courses - 5.200,- CZK up to 29th June 2010, from 30th to deadline 7.800,- CZK
Symposium - 7.800,- CZK up to 29th June 2010, from 30th to deadline 7.800,- CZK
Gala dinner (9th October) - 1.800,- CZK
Training courses - 2.600,- CZK up to 29th June 2010, from 30th to deadline 5.200,- CZK
Symposium - 3.900,- CZK up to 29th June 2010, from 30th
to deadline 6.500,- CZK
Gala dinner (9th October) - 1.800,- CZK
(If you are student then you should provide a signed letter from your authoritative who confirms this statement and send a scan copy to following email address: martin.horna@mhconsulting.cz If you are under 35 years old, you should provide a copy of your ID card with the date of birth on it.)
Registration Fee Includes:
• Admission to scientific sessions
• Admission to the Commercial Exhibition
• Congress materials
• Coffee-breaks during the Congress
Terms of payment
Complete your
registeration first to get your paymet instruction.
Participant´s varaible symbol is generated by our registration system
and must be presented in Details of Payment with
the Participant´s name otherwise the payment cannot be
All payments made by bank transfer have to be net
of all bank charges. To simplify the identification of your payment
please enclose a copy of your bank transfer with the registration form
and send it to the Congress Secretariat by email to: martin.horna@mhconsulting.cz
The following cancellation conditions will apply:
The Congress Secretariat must be notified in writing about any cancellation of the registration. The appropriate refunds will be made after the Congress.
Cancellations received by September 1, 2010 - full refund of the registration fee less 30% administrative charge applies.
Cancellations received from September 2, 2010 - no refund.
Refunds will be made in October 2010.
Name change
If you should be prevented from attending, you will be given the opportunity to send a colleague in your place. Name changes should be notified in writing to the Congress Secretariat. A handling fee of 500,- CZK will be charged for each name change. A name change on site will be treated as new registrations.